The Ecosystem
The First Socially-Powered Search Engine for the natural environment. NO ADS and NO Commercial Interests. Only Firsthand and Unaltered Information
1. Overview — What is

Offering answers to over 16.5 million questions related to the natural environment, is a peer-to-peer search engine and a social platform, created with the sole intention of connecting travellers around the world, and providing all the resources they require to discover the world, research, plan, book or record their trips online. is the first decentralized search engine with 100% pure and unaltered information. There are NO ADS and NO Commercial Interests that can influence the decision-making process of our users.
The entire database of our platform is created and owned by the Ambassadors, the highest rank on An Ambassador is a reporter and a correspondent, through whose eyes people get inspired and discover the wonders of our world.
During the last 5 years of development, we haven’t allowed information added by companies, we haven’t built an advertising platform, and we have never had advertising campaigns inside the mobile app or the web platform.
During the last 5 years, we have fought for the user’s right not to be manipulated or harassed in his decision-making process. We fought against the current systems, built to manipulate the information for their own financial interests.
During the last 5 years, we have not accepted private investments or VC Funds and we have not partnered with companies that are promoting values different from ours. And we will never do it!
2. Today’s Landscape
If you think that Google, Facebook or YouTube make your life easier, you’re probably right. Unfortunately, much of what is awesome about these three search engines also make them increasingly terrifying with each passing day. Not only do they have all the information and answers about you, but they record everything you enter into its search engines, store it on servers and use it to provide you with what they believe you may be looking for. Why? Because they are corporations, and their goal is to make money, a lot of money. And they are doing it perfectly using an advertising network that works incredibly well. `
3. The Solution
Our goal with is to create a search engine able to answer to as many questions related to the natural environment as possible. We have built a search engine where you can find relevant and trusted information, community-reviewed services and an encyclopedia of the surrounding world unaltered by commercial interests.
4. How does it work?
It’s genuinely simple — every time a user makes a post on, he/she assigns a title, a location, images and additional information related to that post. We arrange all the information and we create official pages for all the locations, businesses or places around the world. The more your post is appreciated by other users, the higher it goes in the rankings.
Learn more about how does works here:
5. Who are the Ambassadors?
The Ambassador is the highest rank of the system. The Ambassador is a reporter and a correspondent, through whose eyes people get inspired and discover the wonders of our world. Each Ambassador is part of one of the 197 national teams and is the only one who has the right to add information on the platform.

Each Ambassador is part of the ranking system and has a Global Rank and many other stats based on his entire activity.
6. The NFTs Collections
We select the most voted digital information from our Ambassadors and we transform it into unique digital art. Our NFTs Collections are created based on the most important tops and keywords of the database and is shared with art collectors, nature lovers and supporters on OpenSea at

Every piece of our NFTs Collections represents not only a Collectible but also an important part of the search engine. All of our art pieces are socially confirmed, voted and ranked. Owning any NFT is like owning a small piece of the world.
From every NFT sale conducted by, 40% goes to the Ambassador who created the post, 10% goes to charity (Environmental Protection Organizations) and 50% goes to the company (to carry forward our desktop and mobile applications)
7. The Financial System
We are backed by our GUIDE token, created to serve the ecosystem, to provide stability and organic growth for our applications:
7.1. The (GUIDE) Token
The Token is built on Ethereum Network and is the cryptocurrency created to serve the ecosystem.
You can buy or trade ($GUIDE) token on Uniswap.
Ticker: GUIDE
Contract Address: 0xbE860E98fCb2a46389309B34E8FEA90652D6194b
8. Documentation & Useful Links
- Learn how does work:
- What is the Ranking System:
- technical paper:
- Letter from our Founder:
- Case Study:
- . NFTs Collection on OpenSea:
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