Imagine a place where most of your questions about the natural environment find their answers. Imagine searching for a country, a city, traditions, local food or accommodation, travel activities, attraction points, specific animals of an area, the most amazing sunset, the most spectacular bridge or the longest river, from the place where it springs to the place where it flows…
Imagine a search engine that answers all your questions about the natural environment, or how you can travel around the world with a single click.
Imagine you can find all these in a search engine where there is no place for commercial interest or paid advertising. Only peer-to-peer information from users just like you, willing to share their experiences.
Bmy.guide has been created to offer users the possibility to find in the same place the quality information and the right inspiration they need. Moreover, bmy.guide allows its users to create and share truly memorable experience. An all-in-one social platform and a search engine for environment, created with the sole intention of reshaping how people find inspiration, find the right information or share their experiences online.
But how does bmy.guide really works?

It’s genuinely simple — you start with a postcard, a journal, a story or a review, to which you assigns a title and a location.
If there is no other post from that location, a new location page is automatically created, serving as a display of all content related to it.
Every page created on bmy.guide has its own chat, its most influential ambassadors, contains all the postcards from that specific location and shows the total number of Flaps received. All other users, starting with friends, those who the user watches, are able to see all the new posts and show their empathy towards it, by giving Flaps, writing comments or sharing the posts.
The Flaps received for a post contribute to the total number of Flaps of the dedicated page to which it belongs. The total number of Flaps on page is an indicator showing the degree of satisfaction of all users with respect to that location. This makes bmy.guide a social platform with a unique focus on landmarks, sights, landscapes, historical places, natural wonders and many other amazing things, as opposed to the fairly egocentric approach of most social networks.
What is the Guideline on bmy.guide?
The Guideline is a timeline showing all the content from all bmy.guide users. The content available on the main page is displayed according to the most recent postcards added.
bmy.guide also arranges the content based on the most recent posts that have received flaps and the Greatest Places to visit according to other travelers opinions.
What and How to search on bmy.guide?
We allows users around the world to easily connect with other users, find and discover amazing destinations, restaurants, suitable accommodation, great places to visit, activities, traditions, local food, animals and everything else related to the natural environment.
And searching on bmy.guide is pretty easy… Just open the main page of the platform (The Guideline) and type what you are interested in finding into the search box.
As you type, you may see posts begin to appear below the search box. Those represent related results of your search arranged according to the total number of flaps received.
What is bmy.guide Marketplace?
The Marketplace allows you to access millions of services from local vendors, plus, the ability to book and pay for the goods and services directly by using Guidero coin.
We invite you to share your travel experiences and establish yourself on bmy.guide as we drive this game-changing platform into the mainstream. Our adventure together starts now!
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